You know what they say, I don’t want none unless ya got buns, hun.

What you’ll need:
Clothes you can move in/sweat in
Sneakers (optional I guess?)
Water bottle
Towel because we gonna SWEAT
This dancer inspired workout I learned from @Violetta and added my own twist. You have to remember to squeeze your butt and abs for best results.
***Stretch first don't be silly***
First exersice:
This one’s a bitch. Hold a weight in your hand for extra ~~~umph~~~ but either way you’ll get a great workout.

Second Exercise:
Stay tight— it’s basically firmly kicking the air. It should make your opposite cheek hurt.

Third Exercise:

Keep your leg STRAIGHT, booty tight, and with your foot, tap out to your right, out to your back foot, cross your back foot, and uncross it. That counts as “one”
Say in your head: “out, back, cross, back”